McGeVector2d 的所有说明文档.
名称 |
说明 |
This is friend MXGEDLL McGeVector2d operator * (const McGeMatrix2d& mat, const McGeVector2d& vec). | |
This is friend MXGEDLL McGeVector2d operator * (double scl, const McGeVector2d& vec). |
名称 |
说明 |
返回这个矢量和X轴在范围[0, 2 * Pi]内的夹角 | |
返回这个矢量和矢量vec在范围[0, Pi]内的夹角 | |
两个失量是否相等 | |
这个矢量是否为单位失量 | |
这个失量是否为零长度 | |
返回这个矢量的长度 | |
返回这个矢量长度的平方 | |
McGeVector2d 构造函数 有多种定义,点击查看. | |
This is mirror, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
| ||
返回平行于这个矢量的一个单位矢量,如果矢量的长度小于tol.equalVector()则此矢量不被规范化,此时返回的矢量与这个矢量相同 | |
normalize 方法 有多种定义,点击查看. | |
| ||
旋转矢量。旋转角度由变量angle给定,其中旋转的正方向设为从X轴到Y轴 | |
设置失量的x,y值 | |
setToProduct 方法 有多种定义,点击查看. | |
This is setToSum, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
把向量与矩阵变换,结果和setToProduct(mat, *this)相同 |
名称 |
说明 |
- 操作符 有多种定义,点击查看. | |
This is !=, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
This is *, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
This is *=, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
This is /, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
This is /=, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
[] 操作符 有多种定义,点击查看. | |
This is +, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
This is +=, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
This is -=, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
This is ==, a member of class McGeVector2d. | |
由这个矢量返回变换矩阵 |